The boardview software used by Louis Rossmann, FlexBV which additionally couples with PDF Schematics to provide substantial productivity improvements when trying to track down faults on boards. : https://pldaniels.com/flexbv/

AmScope SM-4TP-144. Without a scope, you cannot do a lot of the work required with modern phones and computers. This AmScope gives 7x~45x magnification and the stand along with the 144-LED adjustable light make a good combination. NOTE: there's no Barlow lens on this configuration, but I do strongly recommend the use of the 0.7X reducer to give you more working room without sacrificing maximum magnification too much.
: https://amscope.com

Diagnose your macbook boards one step beyond just a fan spin; use the Chipmunk USB tester and get a greater insight as to what your board is doing, including if it has CPU/data activity. Well worth the purchase! Chipmunk USB Tester

Unlike the 'old days', you really need a good flux now to do any sort of reworking. Tried and true is the Amtech series of fluxes. Strongly suggest buying it from Rossmann Repair Group to avoid picking up a tube of god knows what . : Buy from Rossmann Repair

Finally there's now a power supply that provides what you need for macbook repairs (0-30V, 5A) and also has a data interface so you can record it on your system without needing another camera. The OWON P4305 ( or Multicomp Pro MP710086 ) is an affordable but functional unit that'll cover your needs.: https://eleshop.eu/owon-p4305-programmable-lab-supply.html

The new "preferred hot air station" for rework, the Quick 861DW. An excellent balance of features and cost. : UnionRepair (220V)
There are plenty of others tools and electronic equipment that we use, I can't list them all, if you're interested contact me ..
* all thats listed on this page is purely for information . None of these are paying me or giving me discount ( that would be great though ! Specially on the Flux .. hello Louis :-) ) those are peoples I get my supplies from thats all .
Another point I need to make here … No I do not provide or sell schematics nor is Paul. they are widely available on the net or so ..